robot vacuums,

Dirty Review: Narwal Freo Robot Vacuum and Mop Combo

Penelope Penelope Jun 15, 2023 · 3 mins read
Dirty Review: Narwal Freo Robot Vacuum and Mop Combo
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The Dirty Summary

With its Freo mode, the device can make optimal cleaning decisions and actions, which takes your auto-cleaning logic to the next level. It boasts Dirtsense Ultra Clean technology, making it different from other robot mops and vacuums. With this feature, the device detects how dirty the mops are and sanitizes them in high-speed spinning with the exact amount of water mixed with the right ratio of floor cleaner.

The patented high-speed spinning mop pads of this device deliver 12N downward force for a deeper and safer clean. The triangular design makes it easy to clean every corner of your home.

Three Mop Drying Modes ensure the mop pads are thoroughly dried after each use, leaving them sanitary for the next cleaning task. With Smart Swing Mopping and Corner-Traps technology, this device can clean the dust in corners and along baseboards.

Narwal Freo Robot Vacuum and Mop Combo
Auto mop washing & drying with DirtSense technology
Smart Swing for hard-to-reach areas
3 mop drying modes for sanitary cleaning

Do Not Buy If

  • It struggles on medium to thick carpet due to its relatively low suction at 3000 Pa. So don’t buy this if you have lots of thick carpet or big-ass rugs. You should think of this as mop only device that handles hard floor surfaces with a light amount of dirt.
  • It doesn’t auto-empty the dust bin, so don’t buy if you’re looking for an auto-empty base.
Written by Penelope
🤖 Tech and vacuums ignite my nerdy soul. From cutting-edge gadgets to the intricacies of JavaScript, I'm obsessed.